Festivals in Indiana
We have identified N Country Music Festival currently being held in Indiana
- Spencer County Music Fest in Grandview
NOTE: For the most current information, please visit the official websites for each Festival by clicking on Festival Name or Logo. Information on this page was accurate at time of publication but things can change very quickly in the world of Festivals.
Spencer County Music Festival
Spencer County Fairgrounds
209 10th Avenue South Grandview, Indiana 47615 (812) 608-0686 |
July 19 - July 20, 2024 (Grandview, Indiana) Dates for 2025 TBD Spencer County Indiana Music Fest Group LTD was founded by a group of music enthusiasts who wanted to create a festival that would bring people together through the power of music. Our festival has become one of the most anticipated events of the year. Spencer County Music Fest is not just a music festival, it's an opportunity for Spencer County Not For Profit Organizations to connect with each other and the families of our county to share resource information, connect, and be inspired as well as raise funds to assist in accomplishing their missions. Spencer County Indiana Music Fest Group strives to create an atmosphere of positivity and creativity that leaves a lasting impact on our guests. ARTISTS (Lineup and Schedule subject to change) TBA TICKETS: (Prices subject to change. Does not include taxes and fees) TBA |