"Raiding the Country Vault," is the newest production in Branson, MO. The show, from the producers of the Las Vegas sensation, "Raiding the Rock Vault," premiered in the iconic Mansion Theatre on May 6, 2016.
- Colt Prather [Lead Vocals and Lead Guitar]
- Michelle Poe [Lead Vocals and Bass]
- Billy Yates [Lead Vocals and Guitar]
- Michael Peterson [Lead Vocals and Guitar] ("From Here To Eternity," "Drink, Swear, Steal & Lie")
- Scott Kwapiszeski [Pedal Steel and Banjo]
- Steve Ramsey [Keyboards]
- Melody Hart [Lead Vocals and Fiddle]
- Danielle Peck [Lead Vocals] ("I Don't," "Finding a Good Man")
- Derrek C. Phillips [Drums]
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